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Yunnan Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine 2020 department final accounts



The first part is the general situation of Yunnan Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine

I. Main functions

Ii. Basic Information of the department

The second part of the 2020 annual department statement

1. Summary of final accounts of income and expenditure

Final statement of income

3. Final statement of expenditure

4. Summary of final accounts of revenue and expenditure from financial appropriations

5. Final statement of financial appropriation revenue and expenditure in the general public budget

6. Final statement of basic expenditures allocated by the general public Budget

Final statements of revenue and expenditure from budgetary appropriations for government-managed funds

8. Final statement of revenue and expenditure from budgetary allocations for state capital operations

9. The "Three public" funds and the operating funds of the administrative participating units

The third part is the statement of the final accounts of the department in 2020

1. Statement of final income accounts

2. Description of the final accounts of expenditures

Iii. Statement on the final accounts of financial appropriation expenditures in the general public budget

Iv. Statement on the final accounts of the "Three public" funds allocated by the general public budget

The fourth part describes other important matters and relevant caliber

1. Expenditures for the operation of government organs

2. Possession of state-owned assets

3. Expenditure on government procurement

Iv. Self-evaluation of department performance

(I) Self-evaluation of the overall expenditure performance of the department

(2) Self-evaluation table of overall departmental expenditure performance

(3) Self-evaluation form of project expenditure performance

V. Information on other important matters

Part V noun explanation


The first part is the general situation of Yunnan Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine

I. Main functions

We will carry on and develop traditional Chinese medicine,To provide disease prevention, medical treatment, rehabilitation and health care services of Chinese medicine, Western medicine, integrated Chinese and Western medicine;To be responsible for the training, technical guidance and assistance of Chinese medicine talents at home and abroad,Supporting primary health care units;Clinical teaching, practice and medical research, training and continuing education;To undertake public health tasks and emergency treatment。

Ii. Basic Information of the department

Yunnan Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine was established in 1947. In 1994, it was rated as a third-class A hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and in 2007, it was rated as a famous hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Yunnan Province. In 2012 and 2017, it was reviewed by the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine。It is the General Hospital of Yunnan TCM Medical Group, which integrates 132 provincial, prefecture (city) and county (district) Traditional Chinese medicine hospitals and related units in Yunnan Province。At present, Yunnan Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, the First Affiliated Hospital of Yunnan University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Yunnan Provincial General Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine Group, Yunnan Provincial Acupuncture and Massage rehabilitation Hospital, Yunnan Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine Dermatology, Yunnan University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, the first clinical medical school of the management and operation mode of six brands and one set of teams。

The hospital is the National Clinical Research Base (approved in 2018), the National drug clinical trial institution, the National TCM Modernization Science and Technology Industry (Yunnan) Base, the GCP Center for New Chinese Medicine and the National TCM International Cooperation Base, the TCM hospital information demonstration unit, the TCM culture construction demonstration unit, the TCM standard research and promotion base construction unit, and the grassroots common and frequently-occurrence TCMCapacity building unit for promotion of appropriate medicine technology, National urban community TCM knowledge and skills training demonstration base, national TCM service export base。

Two national clinical key specialties have been established or are under construction,The State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine has 10 key specialties,Provincial-level TCM key specialties (special diseases) 28,3 national regional diagnosis and treatment centers, 4 regional diagnosis and treatment centers of Yunnan Province, 2 key disciplines of Yunnan Province, 1 Medical Clinical Research Center of Yunnan Province, 1 branch center of National Cardiovascular Clinical Medicine Research Center of Traditional Chinese Medicine, 1 key laboratory, 14 national famous doctor studios, 1 national famous Chinese medicine studio (Mengru), 5 provincial famous doctor studios, and TCM characteristicsThere are 3 continuing education bases for superior disciplines, 1 national TCM academic school inheritance studio, and 8 TCM name departments.There are 1 national specialty, 2 national education quality engineering construction projects, 2 provincial specialty, 8 master degree awarding points,Yunnan Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine, integrated Chinese and Western medicine and research center 11,There are two provincial science and technology innovation teams, one provincial university science and technology innovation team, one teaching team, and one key laboratory construction project each。Won the first prize of Yunnan Province science and technology progress 2, presided over the national "863" program of major science and technology projects, the National Natural Science Foundation, the National Science and technology support plan, the national science and technology research plan and other scientific research projects。In 2017, it was approved as a provincial postdoctoral research station, and in 2020, it was approved as a national postdoctoral research station。

At present, there are two hospitals in Guanghua and Dianchi, with 1355 beds and 1253 open beds. There are 74 departments, including 28 functional departments, 34 clinical and medical technical departments, 9 teaching and research departments and 3 other departments.The school has 6 general party branches and 63 party branches。

By the end of 2020, Yunnan Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine had 840 staff members, 766 staff members, 707 contract employees, 484 retired staff members, including 9 retired staff。The number of vehicles is 14, and there are 10 actual vehicles。

The second part of the 2020 annual department statement

(See annex for details)

The third part is the statement of the final accounts of the department in 2020

1. Statement of final income accounts

The total revenue of Yunnan Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine in 2020 is 102,070.920,000 yuan, including: financial assistance income 17,264.440,000 yuan, 16 percent of the total income.91%, career income 80,178.350,000 yuan, 78% of the total income.55%, debt budget revenue of 30 million yuan, other budget revenue of 1,628.130,000 yuan, accounting for 1. 1 percent of the total income.60%。Total revenue increased by 216 compared with the previous year.840,000 yuan, an increase of 0.21%, of which: the revenue from financial appropriations increased by 5,449.540,000 yuan;Business income decreased by 5,684.520,000 yuan, mainly due to: affected by the epidemic, medical business income decreased;Other income decreased by 48.18万元)。

Figure 1: Composition of income:

Figure 2: Comparative analysis of annual revenue:

2. Description of the final accounts of expenditures

   The total expenditure of Yunnan Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine in 2020 is 93,910.770,000 yuan, of which: 12,426 project expenditure.250,000 yuan, accounting for 13 percent of the total expenditure.23%, basic expenditure 81,484.520,000 yuan, accounting for 86 percent of the total expenditure.77%。Total expenditure increased by 350 compared with the previous year.330,000 yuan (of which: basic expenditure decreased by 7,244.40,000 yuan, an increase in project expenditure of 7,594.43万元)。

Figure 3: Composition of expenditure (share by nature of expenditure)


Figure 4: Composition of expenditure (share by economic line) 



(1) Basic expenditures

The daily expenditure for ensuring the normal operation of Yunnan Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine in 2020 is 81,484.The basic expenditure of 520,000 yuan was 7,244 less than that of the previous year.40,000 yuan, down 8.16%, mainly due to: affected by the epidemic;Including basic salaries, allowances and other personnel expenditures 33335.640,000 yuan, 40% of the basic expenditure.91%。Office expenses, printing expenses, utilities, office equipment purchase and other public funds 48148.880,000 yuan, accounting for 59 percent of the basic expenditure.09%。

(2) Project expenditure

In 2020, it will be used as the central infrastructure investment project in the health field - Traditional Chinese Medicine Inheritance and Innovation Project 3621.230,000 yuan, 3.6 million yuan for equipment and prevention and control materials, and 1.15 million yuan for provincial subsidy settlement for prevention and control of novel coronavirus pneumonia。Project expenditure increased by 7,594 over the previous year.430,000 yuan, an increase of 157.18%。

Iii. Statement on the final accounts of financial appropriation expenditures in the general public budget

Yunnan Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine in 2020 general public budget financial appropriation expenditure 12625.520 thousand yuan, accounting for the total expenditure of this year 13.44%。

Iv. Statement on the final accounts of the "Three public" funds allocated by the general public budget

Yunnan Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine has no general public budget financial appropriation for "three public" expenditure in 2020。

The fourth part describes other important matters and relevant caliber

(1) The occupation of state-owned assets

As of December 31, 2020, the total assets of Yunnan Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine were 85,745.930,000 yuan, of which 36,052 current assets.440,000 yuan, fixed assets 39,048.40,000 yuan (original value of fixed assets 74,951.960,000 yuan, fixed assets accumulated depreciation of 35,903.920,000 yuan), long-term investment of 35 million yuan, construction in progress 4089.320,000 yuan, 3,757 intangible assets.570,000 yuan (original price of intangible assets 5274 yuan.460,000 yuan, cumulative amortization of intangible assets 1516.880,000 yuan) (See the attached table for details)。Compared with the previous year, the total assets increased by 10,668.430,000 yuan, of which fixed assets increased by 542.73万元。

                                                                                                                                                      Statement of possession and use of state-owned assets

Unit: ten thousand yuan





Total assets


Current assets


Fixed assets

Long-term investment

Construction in progress


Intangible assets


Other assets



House structures


The unit price of more than 2 million large equipment

Other fixed assets

Less: Depreciation of fixed assets




























Instructions to fill in: 1.Total assets = current assets + fixed assets + outbound investment/marketable securities + construction in progress + intangible assets + other assets;2.Fixed assets = house structures + vehicles + large equipment with a unit price of more than 2 million yuan + other fixed assets

3. Expenditure on government procurement

In 2020, the total government procurement expenditure of the department is 6,633.630,000 yuan, of which: government procurement of goods expenditure 4792.560,000 yuan;Government procurement projects expenditure 518.70,000 yuan;Government procurement services expenditure 1322.37万元。

Iv. Self-evaluation of department performance

The table of self-evaluation of department performance is shown in the attached table

(2) Description of relevant caliber

oneIn the basic expenditure, the personnel expenditure includes the salary and welfare expenditure and the subsidies to individuals and families, and the daily public expenditure includes the expenditure on goods and services, other capital expenditure and other expenditures other than the personnel expenditure。

2. According to the relevant documents of the Party Central Committee and The State Council and the relevant provisions of the department budget management, the "three public" funds include the cost of going abroad on business (environment), the purchase and operation and maintenance of official vehicles, and the cost of official reception。Among them: going abroad for business (entry) fee,It refers to the international travel expenses, transportation expenses between foreign cities, accommodation expenses, food expenses, training expenses, public and miscellaneous expenses of the staff members of the unit going abroad on official business;Official car purchase expenses,Refers to the purchase expenditure of official vehicles (including vehicle purchase tax);Operation and maintenance of official vehicles,Refers to the expenses of fuel, maintenance, bridge tolls, insurance premiums, safety incentives and other expenses reserved by the unit for official vehicles in accordance with regulations;Official vehicles refer to motor vehicles used for performing official duties,Including provincial and ministerial cadres special vehicles, general official vehicles and law enforcement vehicles;Official reception expenses,Refers to all kinds of official reception (including reception of foreign guests) expenses spent by the unit according to regulations。

3.The final accounts of the "three public" funds: refers to the number of expenditures (including basic expenditures and project expenditures) for official travel abroad (environment) expenses, official vehicle purchase and operation and maintenance expenses and official reception expenses arranged by departments in the current year through the general public budget appropriation at the same level and the carryover and balance funds of the general public budget appropriation in the previous year。


Part V noun explanation

1.General public budget refers to the revenue and expenditure budget for ensuring and improving people's livelihood, promoting economic and social development, safeguarding national security, and maintaining the normal operation of state institutions。It mainly includes financial resources at the same level, special income, subsidies for law enforcement and case handling, fee cost compensation, education fees managed by special financial accounts and paid use of state-owned resources (assets)。

2.Basic expenditure: accounting of the hospital by the financial department in line with the state provisions of the retired personnel funds, policy loss subsidies and other recurrent subsidies。

3.Project expenditure: The special subsidy expenditure of the hospital allocated by the financial department is mainly used for capital construction and equipment purchase, development of key disciplines, undertaking public health tasks designated by the government, etc。

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